SEO Recovery

Search Engine Penalty Recovery Services

If you’ve been hit with a search engine penalty, it can be a major blow to your business. You may not even know what went wrong in the first place. Our team of SEO experts have helped hundreds of businesses regain their top positions on Google. At Serpsrank, we specialize in helping businesses recover from Google penalties. We know how to locate the problem and fix it. We’ll create a plan of attack and help you get back on track! If any of the following scenarios sound familiar, our SEO recovery services can help:


We’ll work with you to identify the problem and develop a plan to fix it. We know how to get your website back in good standing with Google so you can get back to business as usual. Search engine penalties can be a major setback for businesses, but we’re here to help. Contact us today to get started on your road to recovery! 

What you can Expect from Our SEO Recovery Services?

At Serpsrank, we specialize in helping businesses recover from Google penalties. We know how to locate the problem and fix it, so you can get back on track.

Here’s what you can expect from our search engine penalty recovery services:

Don’t let a search engine penalty ruin your business. Contact us today to get started on your road to recovery! 

Top Reasons for SEO Penalty

If you’re hit with a search engine penalty, it can be difficult to recover. Here are some of the top reasons businesses get penalized:

Algorithm Changes

Google is constantly changing its algorithms. Sometimes these changes can result in a penalty for your website if you’re not using the latest best practices. To avoid this, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest SEO news and changes.

Bad Backlinks

Backlinks are an important part of SEO. But, not all backlinks are created equal. If you have bad backlinks from spammy websites, it could result in a penalty. Be sure to check your backlinks regularly and remove any that are from questionable sites.

Overdoing SEO

There’s such a thing as too much of a good thing. When it comes to SEO, you can actually do too much and trigger a penalty. This is often due to using too many keywords or unnatural link building techniques.

Hidden Text on Website

Hiding text on your website is a big no-no. This is often done in an attempt to stuff keywords onto a page. But, Google will see right through it and penalize you for trying to game the system.

Keyword Stuffing

Speaking of keyword stuffing, this is another major SEO no-no. Using too many keywords on a page is an obvious attempt to manipulate the search engines. This will result in a penalty and could get your website banned from Google altogether.

Duplicate Content

If you have duplicate content on your website, it’s likely that only one of those pages will show up in the search results. To avoid this, make sure all of your content is original. If you do have duplicates, use 301 redirects to point users to the correct page.

Request A SEO Recovery Consultation

Don't let a bad SEO campaign ruin your business. Contact Serpsrank today for expert recovery services that will get you back on top of Google in no time.

Why Choose Us as Your SEO Recovery Partner?

There are many reasons to choose Serpsrank as your SEO recovery partner. Here are just a few:

Experienced Pros

We're experienced pros. We've helped hundreds of businesses recover from search engine penalties. We know what it takes to get your website back in good standing with Google.

Faster Results

We're faster than the competition. We'll work quickly to locate the problem and develop a plan to fix it. We know you can't afford to wait weeks or months for your business to recover.

Damage Control

In addition to helping you recover from an existing search engine penalty, we'll also help you avoid future penalties and security threats by putting proper safeguards in place.

SEO Recovery FAQs

If your website has been penalized by a search engine, the first step is to identify the reason for the penalty. Once you know the cause, you can take corrective action and submit a request for reconsideration to the search engine. It’s crucial to adhere to the search engine’s guidelines in order to avoid future penalties.

Recovering from a penalty from a search engine can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the severity of the penalty and the corrective action required. For example, if you receive a manual penalty from Google, it’ll take some time for them to review and lift the penalty. Generally speaking, the faster you act to correct the issue, the faster you’ll be able to recover.

There are a few potential causes of a sudden traffic drop on a website. One possibility is that there are accessibility issues, such as the website being down or taking too long to load. Another possibility is that there has been a drop in backlinks, causing the site to lose its ranking in search engines. Additionally, the site may have been penalized by a search engine for engaging in questionable activities such as keyword stuffing.

Finally, it’s also possible that the website has been hacked, which can lead to people being redirected away from the site or seeing malicious content. If you’re experiencing a sudden traffic drop, it’s important to investigate all of these potential causes so that you can take steps to remedy the situation.

If you can’t get into your website to try to fix the problem yourself, you’ll need to contact your web host. They should be able to help you identify the issue and work to resolve it.

Once you have regained access, you’ll want to reset all of your passwords – not just for your website, but for any other accounts that may be connected to it. This is an important step in ensuring that the hacker can’t gain access to any more of your information.

You’ll also want to take a look at the impact the hack has had on your website. Depending on what was done, you may need to bring in professionals to help restore it.

No, we can’t guarantee that your website won’t be penalized again. But, we can tell you that if you follow Google’s guidelines and best practices for website design and development, you’ll be in a much better position to avoid being penalized. Remember, it’s up to you to ensure that your website complies with Google’s guidelines. So, make sure you stay on top of things and keep your site up-to-date. Good luck!

The Google Penguin update was launched in 2012 in order to target and improve the quality of content on websites. This meant tackling and improving things like keyword stuffing, low-quality links, and duplicate content. The Penguin update has definitely had a positive impact on the overall quality of web content, setting a higher standard for all website owners. However, it’s important to keep in mind that Penguin is just one part of Google’s algorithm, so there’s always more you can do to improve your website’s ranking and visibility. Have you made sure you’re taking advantage of all the other Google updates?

Google Panda update was the improvement of search results by filtering out substandard content from the search engine. The update affected about 12% of queries. The aim of the Panda update was to lower the rank of low-quality websites and increase the rank of high-quality websites.

Google’s Hummingbird update, which was released in 2013, is one of the company’s many algorithmic updates. Hummingbird is designed to better understand the meaning behind queries, rather than just looking at individual keywords. This allows Google to provide more relevant results for users.

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